Cleaning Lift Stations

In most cases, the sewage waste or effluence from industries or houses enters the interceptor pipes because of gravity. However, when gravity is not feasible to pass the wastewater due to lower elevation, a lift station is an effective solution to pump the collected wastewater to the point of higher elevation, which connects to collection systems and treatment facilities. To ensure that your lift stations are always uninterrupted and function smoothly, cleaning lift stations every year becomes a vital task.


In the last 27 years, Bow Valley Septic Ltd. has established a great reputation in lift station cleaning and maintenance in Calgary and surrounding areas. We can effectively clean up the septic waste from the lift station, allowing the plumbers to carry on mechanical maintenance of the pump without any hassle. You can give us a call to learn more about our lift station maintenance service, and feel free to discuss your sewage problems.

Clogged Lift Station?

Bow Valley Septic Ltd. is here to the rescue. Our team will clean out the clogged lift station to restore smooth operation.

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